There is no doubt we are facing some unprecedented times. For some Victorians, this may be the first-time they have experienced unemployment and/or financial hardship. There will be many who are not aware of what support they can access.
Women’s Housing Ltd is working hard to assist as many women as possible affected by the COVID-19 outbreak.
If you are in rental arrears, need rent-in-advance funds for a new tenancy, or need general advice about housing services in your area, please contact our office on 9412 6868. Please note, we can only assist households with a single woman, women partnered with other women or women with children. ‘Women’ includes trans and non-binary women. Due to the current increase of requests for assistance, you may experience an increased wait-time for a return call or be asked to call back next week.
You can also download the AskIzzy app or visit to find local support services.
Please feel free to share this post with your friends and family, we don’t know who might need this information in the coming weeks/months. Take care of yourself and each other as we navigate these times together.
⇒ Make sure workspaces, benchtops and surfaces are clean and hygienic. Wipe down desks, tables and phones with disinfectant regularly.
⇒ Regular and thorough handwashing. Use hand sanitiser when unable to wash.
⇒ Open doors and windows to provide fresh air.
⇒ Promote good respiratory hygiene or cough etiquette. Cover your mouth and nose when coughing or sneezing. Use tissues and throw them away. Wash your hands or use a hand sanitiser every time you touch your mouth or nose.
Due to COVID-19 Women's Housing Ltd office doors are closed to visitors but we are still operating. Please call on 9412 6868 between 9am - 5pm so that we can assist with your call. Alternatively email
[button link="" type="big"] More Information, Updates and Resources on COVID-19[/button]
Women's Housing Ltd's aim is to protect staff and their families, contractors, tenants and volunteers from exposure to COVID-19. Our response measures aim to minimise any risk to the community and potential disruption of services through this time. Women's Housing Ltd will continue to provide services to our tenants and clients. During this time our office hours will be reduced from 10-3pm. People are advise to call Women's Housing Ltd on 9412 6868 or email on Staff can be contacted on their usual email addresses and direct office lines. Support for our tenants and clients is crucial at this time. Women's Housing Ltd will continue to communicate with tenants and clients through text messages, telephone calls and emails and post updates on our website when required. Due to social distancing policies adopted by Women's Housing Ltd, Tenancy and Maintenance officers will only attend properties if it is absolutely necessary. However, officers will contact tenants on a regular basis to keep you updated and informed. All essential maintenance will be undertaken and a policy is being developed on how to deal with urgent maintenance if contractors stop attending properties. These are extraordinary times. Keep safe everyone!
In a bid to increase Australia's supply of social and affordable housing, Homes for Homes distributed $460,000 worth of funding across four projects. Women’s Housing Ltd were fortunate enough to receive a $70,000 contribution to the purchase of one of seven units in Box Hill. The units in Box Hill will provide affordable housing to women over 55 and women escaping family violence.
Thank you Homes for Homes for supporting Women's Housing Ltd in providing more safe, secure and affordable housing choices.
Luke Howarth, Assistant Minister for Community Housing, Homelessness and Community Services, Lindy Parker, Women's Housing Ltd, Louise Gray, Homes for Homes, Gladys Liu, MP, Member for Chisholm
The Women's Advisory Group (WAG) is a group of Women's Housing Ltd tenants that provide a voice into the operations of the organisation. The WAG have been meeting monthly since April 2018. During this time the group have reviewed policies, provided feedback on recommended changes for the Women's Housing Ltd website and they have created a community engagement plan for 2019 and 2020.
Tenants interested in taking part in the WAG should contact Lindy Parker, Operations Manager to learn more about the group and what it entails.
Georgia Ellis from Blue Chip Minds is providing training to tenants. These classes enable tenants to reflect on their perception of the world and come away with resources and skills to live a full life. Georgia provides training to clients all over the world London, Abu Dhabi, Singapore. This is a great opportunity for tenants! Thanks to a generous donation from Lend Lease, Women’s Housing Ltd can provide this opportunity. Scheduled dates for training are: 26th February, Moorabbin (TBC) 5th March, Bayswater Church Hall 11th and 18th March, Mount Martha Rooming House 15th and 22nd May, Berwick Rooming House 10th June, Richmond Community Learning Centre If you are a tenant of Women's Housing Ltd and interested in attending any of the above workshops please contact the office on 9412 6868 ext 4.
Thank you Footscape for the wonderful donation of more new socks for our tenants.
Footscape is a not for profit organisation that provide podiatry care to economically disadvantaged individuals
Now the festive season is behind us we look forward to the year ahead.
With new possibilities, new jobs and new school years lets have a conversation about Money.
WIRE have published a guide specifically designed to equip you with a better understanding of your current financial situation and the skills to safely and confidently achieve greater financial wellbeing. If you are interested in receiving this information pack please talk to your Tenancy Officer.
On 25 February 2020 Women's Housing Ltd's will conduct the first community engagement workshop for 2020. Styling on a budget will be held at Burnley Backyard and is open to all Women's Housing Ltd tenants. More information will follow.